CBD E-LIQUIDS AND CBD CARTRIDGE: What’s the difference?

E-liquids are the liquids used in electronic devices and electronic cigarettes. These devices are also often referred to as vape pens. Usually, e-liquids are flavored with flavors and nicotine and are often used as a substitute to avoid smoking tobacco products. The CBD oil you buy from a licensed cannabis shop comes from a different type of cannabis plant than the CBD you find in e-liquids. CBD oil is extracted from the Cannabis plant we all know, CBD in e-liquids is obtained …


Hemp is a very ancient crop, perhaps even one of the first in human history: there is even evidence that it was cultivated as early as 4000 BC. Over the centuries, Cannabis plants, born in Asia, have been used all over the world, from the Middle East to Europe and Russia. Since ancient times, hemp fiber has been the raw material par excellence for the production of paper, it was also widely used for the production of clothing fabrics, ropes and …